Abraham George Dixon

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geboren Keswick (GB)

Quelle: Alpine Journal Volume 79, 1974, Seite 55 f

G. D. ABRAHAM, who died last March, was born at Keswick on October 7, 1872. All visitors to Keswick will know the photographic shop, G. P. Abraham Ltd., and as a mountain photographer Abraham held a high place in his day. He was elected an Honorary Member of the Alpine Club in 1954. Dr. T. H. SOMERVELL writes of him: George Abraham was one of the pioneers of rock climbing on British crags. Many hundreds of climbers, perhaps thousands, owe their own enjoyment of climbing directly or indirectly to George Abraham, not only for his own activities on British rocks (accompanied so often by his brother Ashley, and by Owen Glynne Jones), but also because of his facile pen in describing climbs in his books. Although some of our local rock climbs were first made by Collie, Collier, Haskett-Smith, and others most of them members of the A.C. the person above all others who really introduced rock-climbing in Britain to so many was George Abraham.
This was not merely because of his own participation in the sport, but chiefly due to his writings, of which The Complete Mountaineer (Methuen, 1907) and British Mountain Climbs were the most popular. The grading of rock climbs in orders of difficulty in the latter book, aswell as in Glynne Jones's Rock Climbing in the English Lake District (I 897 ), was of inestimable benefit to those who, like myself, were starting their climbing career fifty or more years ago, and doubtless saved many young climbers from 'going above their paper with disastrous results. Abraham himself was a quick, nippy climber, a good friend, humbleminded as to his own attainments, unselfish on the mountains as in ordinary life, and possessed of a sense of humour which somehow made climbs done with him seem easier than they really were. He outlived most of his contemporaries on the mountains and was in fair health right to the end. One of the last times I met him was at the time of his being made an honorary member of the Alpine Club. How warmly he appreciated this honour (which was perhaps rather overdue; fifty years before, the Fell and Rock Club had made him an honorary member). We mourn in his passing the man who did more than anyone else to popularise rock climbing, and mountaineering in its larger aspect, among his fellow-countrymen. We, ~ his beneficiaries, salute him with gratitude.
Quelle: Alpine Journal Volume 70, 1965, Seite 359 f

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