Ascherson Charles Stephen

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AT Montenvers in 1898 I first met Ascherson, and, except during the 1914-1918 war when he was serving, have rarely passed a year without a holiday with him in the Alps or in Scotland.
In 1898 he had come to Montenvers with H. V. Reade and Ulrich Almer from Dauphiné, where they had traversed Ecrins and Meije and done lesser climbs. From Montenvers they traversed Charmoz and Grépon and climbed the Aiguille Verte by the now almost dis¬carded Whymper route.
Ascherson did many of the great climbs in the Alps, generally with Ulrich Almer as guide.
In July 1897 he planned and made with H. J. Mothersill, Ulrich Almer, Christian Kaufmann and Christian Jossi, jun., a new climb on the N. face of the Breithorn (A.J. 18. 528).
After 1900 his climbing was mainly guideless, the less severe passes and peaks being chosen.
In the mountains we looked to him as a pathfinder, skilful in the use of maps and compass. He was also a safe rock climber, and at one time an enthusiast in the English Lake District.
After the 1914-18 war, Ascherson taught me to fish and our holidays were spent on the Scottish rivers, generally the Spey.
He was for long a watcher and lover of birds and a very accurate observer of their nesting habits : this, with a love of trees, shrubs and wild flowers, made him and his family who had like tastes the best of companions for a holiday in Scotland. Many have lost a very dear friend.
Quelle: Alpine Journal, Volume 55, 1945/46, Seite 298

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