Tangley Lady

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Lady Tangley 1909-1987
Lady Tangley, Gwen to her friends, was the wife of one of our most distinguished Presidents - Sir Edwin Herbert, later Lord Tangley. She will be remembered with affection by many older members whom she and her husband entertained during and after his years of office from 1953-1956. Those were years which saw, amongst other changes, the transfer of leadership on Everest from Shipton to Hunt, to be followed soon after by the replacement of Graham Brown by Keenlyside as Editor of the AJ - both situations being handled by Herbert with outstanding aplomb and the minimum of ill-feeling.
Lady Tangley was also a well-known figure in her own right. As a musician at the Royal Academy of Music she had unearthed a previously unknown work by Bach, and later she became a talented concert pianist. She was born and spent the greater part of her life in the Guildford area, where the Herberts made their home and where she undertook many duties and responsibilities, musical and otherwise, at county and local level, including governorships of Cranleigh and its sister school, St Catherine's.
The warmth of her personality, along with all her faculties, continued to glow brightly to the very end of her life, and those of us who were privileged to enjoy her friendship will always treasure her memory. To her son and three daughters who inherit her musical skills we offer our affectionate sympathy; and it is good to remind ourselves that her nephew, Paul Herbert, continues to maintain an unbroken family tradition, now over 60 years old, of membership of the Alpine Club. Her grandson, James, now a cadet at Sandhurst, is also an enthusiastic climber.
Edward Smyth
Quelle: Alpine Journal Volume 93, 1988-89, Seite 326

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