Schuster Claud

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In Memoriam
Claud Schuster (1869-1956)

Mountaineering is not life in the
round, but it is a very fair emblem of life as it should be considered and as it
should be lived ... to find the reward rather in the performance than in the
accomplishment; not to court danger for her own bright eyes, but not to shrink
from her unduly when she bars the path; and above all and in all to preserve a
high serenity of mind.
Presidential Address to the Club, 10 December 1940.
The sport of mountaineering is the use of skill and experience in the
avoidance of danger.
Letter to The Times, April 1939.
Stumbling is the start and the talk surly
Fumbling in the dark, awake too early
Stale crusts across the tables ...
Somehow we go
The boot's first bite
At the snow
And on first light
The peak - bleached white
And then aglow ...
Exertion on the slope
Elation on the steep
Cohesion on the rope
Calculation in the leap Incalculable
hope ...
To find - who knows - in this our questing
A recompense, success apart
And - come what may - the moment testing
The moment of content of heart?
Quelle: Alpine Journal Volume 94, 1989-90, Seite 189

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