Travers-Jackson George Francis

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George Francis Travers-Jackson (1880- 1964)
The death last June of George Travers-Jackson leaves another gap in our list of members of long-standing. He was elected to the Alpine Club in December, 1906, and had, consequently, completed nearly fifty-eight years of membership. D. W. Freshfield was his proposer and Cl in ton Dent his seconder.
He visited the Alps on more than one occasion, doing several ascents there, and he also climbed a little in the Dolomites. But it is for his climbing in South Africa that he is noteworthy. Starting at a very early age in the 1890's, he joined the small band of South African enthusiasts who began to discover the possibilities of rock climbing on Table Mountain and on other Western Cape peaks. He soon went to the forefront and over the ensuing years discovered many first class routes. For a long time he was South Africa's leading mountaineer. He also did some climbing in the Belgian Congo and on the South Mrican Drakensberg.
He attended the Centenary celebrations of the Alpine Club in 1957, as the representative of the Mountain Club of South Africa.
K. M. Cameron
Quelle: Alpine Journal Volume 69, 1964, Seite 328-329

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